Dama Godiva

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No Hugs for the Weak of Heart

Michelle Obama

Not your child, don’t hug him!

Today one of the school districts in Maryland has created one of the silliest school guidelines (see #3 below.) By the way, this is the same state that suspended the young boy for eating his Pop Tart into the shape of a gun.

For starters children are not allowed to distribute birthday party invitations at school since they can upset and hurt the feelings of their classmates. When celebrating their birthday at school they cannot take homemade cupcakes.They are only allowed to take store bought items with a list of ingredients (preservatives.)

Adults can only hug their own child, and school volunteers/parents are only allowed to push their own child on the swing. Parents or volunteers may observe the playground from a designated area and they can only play with their own child.

Soon children will be asked to not have best friends. Oh wait a minute, in England this is happening already. Why are we turning our children into robots. Is this really what we want?

Being a mother of two boys I have had my share of school trips and playground outings through the years. When a child falls it is my instinct to react and try to help and soothe the child. Having children in the NYC public school district I have experienced that many children need someone that cares for them. One day after meeting my sons class I had children say hi to me with a hug and saying “Hi so-and-so’s mom!”

Children need to know that they are cared and loved for. Why take this away?

Hoy uno de los distritos escolares de Maryland ha creado una de las pautas más tontas escolares (ver # 3 abajo.) Por cierto, este es el mismo estado que suspendió el niño por comer su tarta en la forma de una pistola.

Para empezar los niños no se les permite distribuir invitaciones de la fiesta de cumpleaños en la escuela, ya que pueden alterar y herir los sentimientos de sus compañeros de clase. Al celebrar su cumpleaños en la escuela no pueden llevar cupcakes casero.  Sólo se les permite llevar artículos comprados en la tienda con una lista de ingredientes (preservativos.)

Los adultos sólo pueden abrazar su propio hijo, y voluntarios de la escuela / padres sólo se les permite empujar a su propio hijo en el columpio. Los padres o voluntarios pueden observar el patio de recreo de un área designada y sólo pueden jugar con su propio hijo.

Pronto los niños se les pedirá que no tengan mejores amigos. Oh, espera un minuto, en Inglaterra esto ya está sucediendo. ¿Por qué estamos convirtiendo a nuestros niños en robots. ¿Es esto realmente lo que queremos?

Ser madre de dos hijos yo he tenido mi parte de viajes escolares y excursiones al parque infantil a través de los años. Cuando un niño se cae, es mi instinto reaccionar y tratar de ayudar y tranquilizar al niño. Tener niños en el distrito escolar público de la ciudad de Nueva York me he dado cuenta que muchos niños necesitan a alguien que se preocupa por ellos. Un día después de conocer a la clase de mi hijo yo tenía a niños saludarme con un abrazo y decir “Hola mamá de fulano!”

Los niños necesitan saber que ellos son cuidados y amados. ¿Por quitar lo?

Read more: 1) http://usnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2012/03/23/10826845-principals-decree-this-is-a-no-hugging-school?lite

2) http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2013/mar/19/maryland-school-bans-homemade-snacks-hugs/?utm_source=RSS_Feed&utm_medium=RSS


5 comments on “No Hugs for the Weak of Heart

  1. JohnRH
    March 20, 2013

    HA! You beat me to it. (Now where did I leave my insanity list? I need to add to it.) This would be hilarious if it wasn’t so sad, sad, sad. We must not let them make us into automatons. For goodness’ sake, hug your own children a LOT and sneak one in on the neighbor’s kids off school grounds.

  2. damagodiva
    March 20, 2013

    Luckily Bloomberg didn’t think of this first and I am sure he is kicking himself for that mistake. I will make sure to hug my children a lot and sneak one in to the neighbors child while I still can.

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  4. Claudia
    March 22, 2013

    It is a crazy, sad world we live in. So much of it just doesn’t seem to make any common sense anymore. Children who are exposed to hugs are often very expressive and warm, while those who aren’t hugged very much usually grow up putting a distance between themselves and other people. Hugging is a gesture of affirmation, appreciation, and acknowledgement. A child who is hugged often acquires a positive self-concept. Life is a succession of lessons which must be lived to be understood and limiting/eliminating emotional expressions stops the succession of lessons.

  5. jorge espinha
    December 18, 2013

    I agree with the article and comments by JohnRH and Claudia. I hope it never gets like this over here (Portugal). However I get self-conscious around other people’s kids …We need more hugs and less idiotic rules.

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